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Solder Paste

Warton manufacture a range of solder pastes to meet the quality required for today's electronics industry.

To request a datasheet, or if you require further information please contact us.

Availability options

Product Description Particle Size Alloys Available Specification Packaging
Microprint P4000
Microprint P4000 is a halide & halogen free, no clean solder paste offering excellent soldering of lead free solder alloys. Microprint P4000 is designed for use with a variety of substrate materials including Au/Ni and OSP treated finishes.

Fast Print 20-100mm/sec. Slump Free, No Solder Balling.
25-45 µm (T3)
20-38 µm (T4)
15-25 µm (T5)
250g, 500g, 1000g tubs
500g, 1000g cartridge
40g and 75g syringe (manual and automatic)
Microprint P7000
Microprint P7000 is a halide & halogen free, no clean solder paste specially formulated for low melt Tin Bismuth solder alloys.

Slump Free, No Solder Balling. Profile and printer friendly.
25-45 µm (T3)
20-38 µm (T4)
15-25 µm (T5)
Sn42 Bi57 Ag1
Sn42 Bi58
250g, 500g, 1000g tubs
500g, 1000g cartridge
40g and 75g syringe (manual and automatic)
Microprint P2010
The unique no clean flux vehicle of Microprint P2010 offers excellent soldering of lead free solder alloys. Microprint P2010 is designed for use with a variety of substrate materials including Sn/Pb, Au/Ni and OSP treated finishes.

Fast Print 20-100mm/sec. Slump Free, No Solder Balling.
25-45 µm (T3)
20-38 µm (T4)
15-25 µm (T5)
15-32 µm (T4.5)
250g, 500g tubs
500g, 600g, 1000g, 1.2Kg cartridge
40g and 75g syringe (manual and automatic)
Microprint P2006
A fast print, no clean solder paste (ranging from 20-300mm per second), pin testable, slump free, no solder balls. Profile and printer friendly. 25-45 µm (T3)
20-38 µm (T4)
SAC405 (TSC)
250g, 500g tubs
500g, 600g, 1000g, 1.2Kg cartridge
40g and 75g syringe (manual and automatic)
Microprint P2004
A no clean solder paste for print definition to below 0.3mm for µBga work. Microprint P2004 helps eliminate mid chip balling and micro balling, therefore eliminating costly rework. 20-38 µm (T4)
15-32 µm (T4.5)
Sn62Pb36Ag2 ROL1
250g, 500g tubs
500g, 600g, 1000g, 1.2Kg cartridge
40g and 75g syringe (manual and automatic)

Storage conditions

Allow paste to achieve ambient temperature before use.

Read Technical Data Sheet before use.

Shelf Life

Read Technical Data Sheet for the shelf life.

Technical Information

For further technical advice please do not hesitate to contact Customer Services.  +44 (0)1706 218888

Health & Safety

Always read Safety Data Sheet before use.

The Company warrants only that the Goods will correspond as to the quality and description with the Company’s own specifications as set out in each product data sheet and all other terms conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/ or fitness for any particular purpose whether express or implied are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. It is therefore the Buyers responsibility to satisfy itself by inspection and testing of samples prior to placing any orders as to the purpose for which he requires the Goods and or particular conditions of use that will apply to the Goods and or the suitability or performance of the Goods when used in combination with any other Goods or materials, in any specific environment and in any process. In no event shall the Company be responsible for special, incidental or consequential damages, whether the claim is in contract, negligence or otherwise.